In its editorial "Death with dignity for the terminally ill proposal
includes critical safeguards" (Aug. 10),The Times' assurances that the
Death with Dignity for the Terminally Ill Act (A2270) has safeguards is
not very reassuring to those of us with disabilities, who see it as
dangerous to our lives.
Citing the Oregon and Washington laws as further assurance simply
repeats propaganda from proponents. The Oregon law has no protection
against coercion used against vulnerable people by those whose motives
involve fraud or abuse. Oregon annually destroys data in the doctors’
reports about the deaths allowed by the law, leaving only statistics
without investigation, so it is really overreaching to say the law has
meaningful protections.
The current legislation in the Statehouse has “protections” that
amount to an honor system, providing little comfort to people with
severe disabilities. Indeed, whatever protections were seen by The Times
are at best a half-hearted attempt by proponents to placate broad-based
concerns over this legislation, the assurances of The Times’ editorial
board notwithstanding. Unfortunately, these provisions may protect
those who assist suicide from any liability for mistakes or abuses, but
they do nothing to protect the patient or more vulnerable people with
-- Norman A. Smith,
The writer is president of the board of directors of the Hamilton-based
Progressive Center for Independent Living and associate executive
director of Project Freedom, based in Robbinsville.